GassyTour - Travelife Certified DMC

The creators of your meaningful journey

Our identity

GassyTour is a Travelife-certified Tour Operator founded in 2008, driven by the vision of our Managing Director, Philippe Frappat, who was deeply moved by his immersive experience in the heart of villages and local communities in Madagascar.

Upon arriving in Madagascar, he was immediately captivated by the breathtaking beauty of the landscapes: lush forests, pristine beaches, and majestic mountains. However, what touched him deeply was the warmth and hospitality of the people.

Despite living modestly, the locals opened their doors and hearts to him, sharing their customs, stories, and way of life. These authentic experiences revealed another side of Madagascar, far from the usual tourist clichés.

Thus, GassyTour was born—a tour operator that emphasizes human connections and authentic experiences to create meaningful journeys.

GassyTour quickly became a bridge between travelers and Malagasy communities, offering immersive, experiential stays that respect the environment and local traditions. The entire team works hand in hand with villagers to develop tours that benefit everyone, promoting sustainable and equitable tourism, notably through AAVIMA or Association Accueils Villageois Malagasy en Action.

Today, GassyTour is a leading advocate of sustainable tourism in Madagascar, offering unique experiences and contributing to the development of local communities.

And it all began with a journey, meetings, and a deep love for an extraordinary island.

TOP Madagascar – AVIMA

Gassy Tour was founded in 2008 and has been integrated into the Professional Tour Operators Association of Madagascar (TOP). We have also become members of AVIMA (Accueil Villageois Malagasy), an association promoting village tourism in Madagascar.

Antso Re

We are founding members of the Association Nationale du Tourisme Solidaire et Responsable – Antso Re, which literally means “an awaited call.”

Trophée HEC – Bernard Ramanantsoa

Selected in the category of highest recognition in the tourism sector to compete for the HEC Bernard Ramanantsoa Trophy, which aims to honor a culture of excellence in Madagascar.

Travelife Certified – Partenariat GERP

In 2018, we were certified Travelife – Excellence in Sustainability, becoming one of only four tour operators in the Indian Ocean to achieve this certification. That same year, we also began our partnership with the Groupe d’Études et de Recherche sur les Primates (GERP).

15th anniversary – 4th consecutive nomination at the World Travel Awards – Renewal of Travelife certification

In this year celebrating our 15th anniversary, we are nominated for the fourth consecutive year in the category of Best Tour Operator in Madagascar by the World Travel Awards. Our Travelife certification has also been renewed following a thorough audit of the initiatives we have implemented over the past 5 years.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Our Travelife certification

Remise du certificat de renouvellement de notre certification Travelife lors de l’ITB Berlin 2024
Remise du certificat de renouvellement de notre certification Travelife lors de l’ITB Berlin 2024
Remise du certificat de renouvellement de notre certification Travelife lors de l’ITB Berlin 2024
Remise du certificat de renouvellement de notre certification Travelife lors de l’ITB Berlin 2024

Since our inception and up to today, our mission has been to promote and highlight forms of sustainable tourism, specifically

Community-based and village tourism, where local residents play a central role in welcoming visitors, in collaboration with initiatives like AVIMA.

Solidarity tourism, where our travelers directly contribute to improving the living conditions of the communities they visit.

Responsible tourism, aimed at raising awareness among travelers to adopt a more conscious and respectful approach to the environment.

We firmly believe that sustainable tourism is not just an alternative but represents the essential standard for the future of our industry.

To concentrate our efforts for maximum impact and make our commitment to sustainability tangible, we embarked on the Travelife certification process. After being recognized as a Travelife Partner for several years, we achieved Travelife Certified – Excellence in Sustainability in 2018.

Our 15th anniversary coincides with the renewal of our Travelife certification. On this occasion, we have revisited and optimized all our procedures related to sustainable tourism development, as well as our quality assurance processes, in accordance with ISO 14001 environmental management and ISO 26000 corporate social responsibility standards.

This achievement demonstrates our ongoing commitment to integrating sustainable practices into all our activities while providing authentic and enriching experiences to our travelers. We see this certification as validation of our dedication to the environment, local communities, and responsible tourism.

Our sustainable development policy

Why ?

Our company exists to make travel a force for good in the world by reintroducing meaning and mindfulness into the travel experience. We aim to awaken our senses to what truly matters, to the privileges of living, discovering, and experiencing. Our deep motivation is to create journeys that make a difference for you and for the destination—journeys that touch you in unexpected ways, offering something unique that leaves you with the wonderful feeling of being transformed by the experience. We invest in what truly matters: shared emotions, memories etched into one’s being, wonder, and the adventure of a lifetime—all while making a tangible positive impact on people, biodiversity, and the local economy.

How ?

Being Present and Available

One of our core values is our commitment to being present for each other, for our travelers, and for our partners. We aspire for every person traveling with us to feel supported, guided, and accompanied at every step of their journey.

At Creation: We listen to your needs and aspirations, and we adapt to your schedule to communicate with you via various channels such as email, video conferencing, or WhatsApp to create a fully customized journey for you or your clientele. We also assist you in preparing for your trip by providing all necessary information about Madagascar as a destination.

During the Stay: From the moment of your arrival until your departure, we accompany you at every stage of your journey. You can rely on our team to offer you constant support, assistance, and personalized guidance to meet all your needs. Whether it’s your travel advisor, driver, or tour guide, every member of our team is dedicated to providing you with an exceptional experience.

After the Stay: Our commitment to you does not end with the conclusion of your trip. We are here to evaluate the quality of your experience with you and to plan your future trips together. Our goal is to maintain a strong relationship and continue to offer you memorable experiences with every journey.

Being Intentional in Our Actions

Creating a positively impactful journey that meets your aspirations is done intentionally. Thus, we carefully select all our partners based on rigorous criteria of quality and sustainability. Our aim is to transform how journeys are designed, experienced, and lived.

Being Agents of Change Towards Sustainability

Since our inception, we have been committed to bringing about positive and sustainable transformation for our country. We do not just aspire for change; we are passionate about what we aim to achieve. We do not just create journeys; we create journeys to bring about real and tangible change. We also aspire to inspire those around us to engage in this path. As a Travelife certified Tour Operator, we develop an annual sustainable development action plan where we challenge ourselves to go further in our actions.

Supporting Education

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela.

Our commitment manifests in several ways:

We work closely with select public primary schools to enhance children’s learning environments by renovating classrooms. Each year, we invest in necessary supplies for teachers and students. Additionally, we are in the process of implementing a project for free school canteens in collaboration with one of our partner agencies.

Furthermore, we closely collaborate with application hotels, where all operational revenues contribute to financing training for youth in tourism and hospitality professions.

In the same vein, we offer annual internship opportunities to tourism and other field students, accompanying them in their professional development and growth in a conducive environment.

Valuing Each Individual’s Uniqueness

The management of Gassy Tour has established a professional environment where each individual is valued with their unique contributions. We believe that every member of our team has an essential contribution to make. This philosophy also reflects in our relationships with our travelers: we consider each traveler unique and commit to offering tailored, authentic service and experiences.

Kaizen: A Learning Company Culture

Every journey we design represents an opportunity for growth and learning. We take the opportunity to explore new perspectives, adapt to current challenges, and improve our approach. Thanks to the guidance of Travelife coaches, we have the privilege to transform our way of thinking and practicing our profession, while benefiting from training on crucial topics in the tourism and sustainable development sectors.

What ?

What We Offer

Customized immersive and experiential journeys designed for groups, families, couples, and solo travelers.


  • By a team with 15 years of expertise across the entire Madagascar destination, in close collaboration with leading sustainable accommodation establishments throughout the country. We also work closely with qualified local guides, many of whom have been partners since our inception.
  • In accordance with sustainability standards certified by Travelife – Excellence in Sustainability.
  • With an honest assessment of the feasibility of each journey, ensuring an authentic and memorable experience.

Our Specializations

To fully experience Madagascar, we focus on reimagining travel from a perspective that promotes quality and the traveler’s unique experience.
As pioneers of responsible tourism in Madagascar, we specialize in:

  • Village and community-based tourism, facilitated by villagers for villagers, including our role as Vice-President of the Malagasy Village Hospitality or AVIMA.
  • Solidarity tourism, where our travelers contribute to improving the living conditions of the visited communities.

Our initiatives

Photo: The GassyTour team at the inauguration of the new canteen and classroom at EPP Ambohitrimanjato. In partnership with Chamäleon Reisen. May 15, 2024.
2023 – 2024
Construction of two new buildings at the primary school in Ambohitrimanjato

One building as a classroom and the other as a cafeteria for the school canteen. The school canteen has been operational since October 2023, all in partnership with Chamaleon Reisen.

Since 2018 until today

Distribution of school kits for students and teaching materials for teachers at the primary school in Ambohitrimanjato, in partnership with Chamaleon Reisen.

Renovation of the school of the Association Victoria Fitsimbinana (ASAMA)
Since 2019 until today
Distribution of school kits for students and teaching materials for teachers at EPP Morarano.
Renovation of the primary school in Ambohimanjato in partnership with Chameleon Reisen.
Financial donation to AVIMA Vakinankaratra
Distribution of school kits at Belazao Elementary School in partnership with Chameleon Reisen.
Since 2018 until today
Reforestation in partnership with GERP

Study and Research Group on Primates – Maromizaha

Reforestation in partnership with “Graine de vie”

With the students of EPP Morarano.

Reforestation with Graine de vie and EPP Morarano in February 24, 2021